Abiotic and Biotic Factors of Survival

Biotic Factors

  • Predators (Like Snakes, Lizards, Birds, Hedgehogs and water shrews) 
  • Lack of food to eat
  • Habitat destroyed
  • Disease 

Abiotic Factors
  • Storms
  • Cold weather
  • To much heat
  • Slips
  • Infected air
  • Flooding
  • Earth Quake
  • Fire
  • Drought
  • Tornado
These Abiotic Factors of survival effect the Archie frog more than Biotic factors because they natural and can be a lot more dangerous to the Archie frog than a lack of food. A natural disaster is more dangerous because the Archie frog wont now that is coming but with lack of food they will notice that it is happening and it could move somewhere different.

Biotic and Abiotic factors effect the survival as they kill the frogs in they habitat, this effects they population.

The main factor of survival of the Archie frog is reduction of habitat by humans they are doing this by cutting down forests which is the home of the little Archie frog. To change this we could start an argument which says  the contractors that are cutting down the forests that the Archie frog are living in is removing their home and humans wouldn't like it if it happened to them so they should stop doing it to the little Archie frog.